All Talk and No Action Friday, December 31, 2010

It would be an understatement if I said 2010 was like any other year. I had made a list of things to be taken care of (most of which have been attended to). The year tested my patience and belief in myself. All things that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. 

To top it all, the last day of 2010 presented a perfect culmination to the year that was.

With a pizza party gone wrong (we were sent non vegetarian pizzas and had to cancel the entire order) and no cable television (our area network being down), all plans of watching Bigg Boss 4 and new year programmes evaporated.

So, while my phone kept buzzing with new year wishes and blessings, all I could think of was a warm bite of a spicy pizza + a cool sip of Coke, accompanied by a bittersweet Dutch Truffle pastry.

However, like you, even I receive silly SMS forwards like :

When life throws lemon at you, make a lemonade out of it.

So, my family did what it is best at - we played the 4 player variant of 3-2-5 (teen do paanch), where, Dad and I beat Mom and Mukund at most rounds.

Served them well for cheating.

Chotu couldn't understand what the excitement was about and kept prancing around.

I don't think I would have liked the year to have ended any other way.

Wish you a very Happy 2011.

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