All Talk and No Action Tuesday, January 25, 2011

... if you are a resident of Mathura/Vrindavan/Agra/Delhi/Noida/Jim Corbett Park/Haridwar/Rishikesh.

Starting 27th January, I will be on a tour of North India for 10 days. While the main reason I am making this trip is to attend a friend's wedding... it was too tempting for my group, not to combine it with sight seeing. Also, this being my first trip to the North... I have been hopping around with excitement ever since we made our bookings, about two months back. Finally, I will get to wear real winter wear.

Manali was a dream destination for all of us. Unfortunately, the climate this year hasn't been encouraging and hence all plans of skiing and chilling out had to be thwarted.  

While the other ladies in my group are upbeat about shopping in Delhi, I, among other things, am upbeat about finally visiting the Mental Hospital in Agra. I am also told about a famous area in Vrindavan/Mathura, which is off limits for the public, after dusk. Residents of that village put out their lights after sunset and give enough space to the Lord, lest he unleash his fury.
If my Lord isn't camera shy, you will be treated to some awesome snaps very soon.

The past two months have been extremely hectic... I have had to work on most weekends and sometimes, on public holidays too. Most activities took a backseat and all I could think about was the long list of deadlines. Having said that, I was happy to have been this busy.

Having done my college's final year thesis on the sunrise sectors of India, it feels exciting to be a part of one of those very industries - the great Indian Retail story.  

Though not much of a shopper myself, I have always felt happy to watch people spend money and buy stuff. While I will not explain why I feel this way, I will only add that retail therapy does work.

Coming back to weddings, this is going to be the umpteenth one I will have attended this season. December saw me attending 8.. And the scene will not change till, at least the 14th of Feb, when a cousin will be getting married.

I have had my personal observations about weddings... Which I will probably share when I am back. But if you find nothing on the subject - do understand that maybe that depicts what I feel about the entire issue.

Be Good.

Enjoy your day off today.

All Talk and No Action

While researching for a project recently, I came across two interesting bits of information on music -

David Tame writes in his book, The secret power of music -
A recent teenage fad was that of taking soft eggs to rock concerts and placing them at the foot of the stage. Midway through the concert the eggs could be eaten hard-boiled as a result of the music. Amazingly few rock fans wondered what that same music might do to their bodies.

A German sewage plant has been able to save $1200 monthly - by playing Mozart! Apparently, Mozart encourages microbes to break down faster.

The CEO Anton Stucki has to say this :
We think the secret is in the vibrations of the music, which penetrate everything — including the water, the sewage and the cells
As someone who consumes a lot of music, without dwelling much on trivia, the research was quite an engaging exercise.

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This brings back hilarious memories.

I remember, my brother, when 3, wanted to grow up to become - A Car!

When I gave him the elder sister look, rolled my eyes and said "You can't become that!"... He gave me the younger brother look and retorted " Yeah, and you will stop me??"

And this made me go,  "Oh Shit! How cool is that! Why didn't I think of it before him??"

I was 6.

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A very exciting engagement - Somaiya Foundation, through K.J. Somaiya College will support Pankhudi Foundation through their college fest "Symphony 2011".

While talks are still on, there is a possibility of Somaiya College hiring a bus to promote Symphony across Mumbai. This bus will showcase Pankhudi and it's activities and will help to garner support for the cause of education.

Pankhudi Volunteers will be present during the bus yatra.

We might also be putting up a stall on one of the fest days.

If you or your friends are students of Somaiya/plan to participate in the festivities, do drop in at our counter.

Pankhudi is delighted to have been chosen by Somaiya College in this literacy drive.

We are in final talks with Xaviers College and will soon have Xaviers' students volunteering with us on an annual basis.

This engagement is a part of their academic project for non profit organisations.

Again, if you know of students in Mumbai who would like to volunteer (teach/organise activities) with Pankhudi, please write back.

Any genuine NGO, worth its salt, will tell you how easy it is to raise funds.

What is difficult, is to encourage, cajole, inspire people to donate their time.

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Pankhudi Foundation is very well known for the interesting activities it undertakes at various chapters.

Today, Pankhudi Delhi will take 40 kids to see the Republic Day Parade live at Red Fort.

Pankhudi Mumbai has invited students from IIT Bombay, to hold a 3 hour workshop on space technologies and aircraft, followed by skits and cultural activities.

Pankhudi Pune is taking its kids for Pune Darshan, visiting places of historical/cultural importance. This trip is being sponsored by TCS Pune.

Likewise, Pankhudi Bangalore and Hyderabad have loads of activities lined up.

If you would like to attend the festivities at any of the locations mentioned, please let me know.

Also, a very Happy Holiday to you!

All Talk and No Action Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snoopy has had a very hectic Sunday.

Eating, playing, barking (yes, she is a teekhi mirchi!) and napping. Rinse. Repeat. 

Though she is tiny and very delicate, she has turned out to be extremely naughty. She hates being held and is always prancing around the entire house. 

Playing with Snoopy brings much joy to my family. Can't say so about Chotu though.

Also, since she is teething, it is fun to watch her nibble and chew any and everything that comes her way.

In the meanwhile, we have also started receiving calls for adoption. Many callers thought she was a Boxer and were ready to pay for her. When informed that she was a Pariah, their interest fizzled out.

If you know of people who would like to adopt a pet and will treat it as family... please write back.

Preferable locations : Mumbai/Pune.

All Talk and No Action Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Heart breaking, this

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I have written about The Insider earlier, here.

The movie features at the top of my favorites list. The first watch was an emotional experience... and subsequent viewings aroused awe, inspiration, and to an extent, even reverence.

I guess one of the vital reasons I feel this way is because of its soundtrack - it is one of the best I have come across, as far as Hollywood goes. 

It is powerful, stylish and has a haunting feel to it. One doesn't often get to watch movies with music that blends perfectly with their themes and in fact, augments the entire cinematic experience. Such music often  makes me wish I were trained teachnically.

From the little I know about music, I know that this particular album could be called minimalist in its treatment... which makes it even more appealing to me. 

I am sharing my favorite tracks from the movie, they never fail to inspire me.

Especially, Massive Attack.

I must add that prior knowledge of the plot will help you appreciate the music more. I am not sure you will understand the underlying emotions, if you aren't aware of this tale of heroism.

The massive attack - If you have watched The Insider, you will agree that this track, apart from being inspirational, has detachment written all over it. And, it is heroic. Though, I don't think Bergman felt that way, then. This walkout scene is my single most important takeaway from the movie. And the reason I keep re-visiting it.

The below track - Rites - on each listen - makes me think of an expansive, empty desert. Maybe, because of its distinct Arabic feel..

Iguazu - I love the guitar strums.

If you have watched the movie and enjoyed its music, do write back. 

If you have watched the movie,  enjoyed its music and understand it at a technical level, definitely write back!

All Talk and No Action Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sandeep is a former colleague of a friend and has decided to go the entrepreneurial way.

Here, he describes his meeting with Incu Capital and shares his observations on how most venture funds work.

A fairly informative read.

Pooja Warier is spearheading the cause of social entrepreneurship in India.

India Unltd is a hub in Mumbai and provides support infrastructure to social entrepreneurs.

Having met with Pooja, I (and my former colleagues) will vouch for her sincerity and belief in the cause.

Now, only if we could find some serious social entrepreneurs.

Link via Pramod

All Talk and No Action Friday, January 14, 2011

Yesterday, while returning from work, I found her loitering around in my building compound. She seemed to be following an uncle...I decided to follow her. She looked back and we both stared at each other for a good minute.

Fir kya, sparks flew and I made the first move.

She seemed to like my whistle and started taking baby steps towards me. 

Then, she came near my feet, sniffed, licked and actually slept over my feet, with me standing there!

Now, there was no way I could have left such a delicate looking baby alone.

I am glad I have a family, where each one of us, is free to tag along any animal we find on the road, injured or otherwise.

My mom got "choti goli" vaccinated against polio and gastroenteritis today. The doctor, Mr. Swali said, she is about 40 days old and fairly healthy.  

How she landed in our colony is a mystery. I went around asking for a stray who might have delivered pups. 

As expected, nobody had a clue!

Choti Goli is up for adoption. 

As much as I would love to, I can't adopt her. We have Chotu. He is S.E.N.T.I.M.E.N.T.A.L.

If you or anyone you know is interested in adopting the pup, please comment/mail me.

If there are too many applicants, we will conduct a swayamvar.

All Talk and No Action Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Given how much I depend on pen and paper and how beautiful my handwriting is, very soon, you may have to pay, to visit me.

What? You think Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Sastu Sangrahalaya entry is for free?

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Look! Even more reason to travel across the country!

Link via : Pramod, Anshu

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Jai Arjun Singh suggested Baradwaj Rangan's piece on movie critiquing. Must read for all of us, who, claim to be movie aficionados and critics.

I may not completely agree with all the points Rangan has raised... yet, the essay gives a good look at the critiquing profession.

If I were to add a single point to the article : Stop giving out the entire plot in your reviews!

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If you like to read, and have patience for essays of more than 1500 words, try Longreads.

I have been hooked ever since I read the pieces on Julian Assange and Internet addicts.

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my post on Dhoop Kinaare (DK) might help fans of DK and other such Pakistani serials.

Apparently, Mr. Jasvinder Singh of Palco Videos, in Delhi, will be happy to help you.

A certain anon reader has helped us with Jassi ji's number too.

Thank You hai ji :-)

All Talk and No Action Saturday, January 8, 2011

I went for No One Killed Jessica (NOKJ), hoping to relive the furore and activism the incident had ignited in people across the country. It was an extra ordinary case, where most of us connected with the personal loss of the Lals. The relentless pursuit of justice by the media was also commendable here.

When you re-tell a story of such venality and subversion of justice, it demands of you to take the story to it's natural peak. The Jessica Lal case is heroic in many ways.

NOKJ, the movie, fails on this parameter.

With a very gripping first half, the movie languishes in the second half. A complete let down. As an audience, I wanted to relive the public hysteria and subsequent jubilation on hearing the Supreme Court's verdict. Maybe, even an exhausted Vidya Balan celebrating with a champagne. The movie offers none of this.

Amit Trivedi's music is uplifting as usual. While Vidya Balan is competent, Rani's Meera act is over done and doesn't impress.

Rediff and Mumbai Mirror nail it better. I don't subscribe to their ratings.

All Talk and No Action Saturday, January 1, 2011

Zomato, erstwhile Foodiebay, began it's New Year with a pledge to help under privileged children, and tied up with Pankhudi for a campaign.

This is what their Facebook page says :
This New Year, we have resolved to help undeserved children by tying up with an NGO - Pankhudi Foundation ( We will donate 5 times the number of likes and 10 times the number of comments (in rupees) on this post to Pankhudi. Help us in this cause by liking, commenting and sharing this with as many friends as you can. Come ahead, leave a lovely wish below which can help in our efforts to support the children of our country. This goes on till 10th Jan '11.
So, you do know where to head rightaway, no?